Our Vision
Our heart is to see mature churches planted among the least reached people groups of Papua New Guinea. We desire to come alongside church planters through serving on a support team.
Mature Church in the Least Reached
NTM PNG’s vision statement is, “We envision thriving churches among every people with a clear understanding of the gospel, reading the Scriptures in their heart language, worshiping God as obedient disciples of Jesus in Spirit-led communities governed by local elders. We will continue to send church planting teams to the unreached peoples of PNG, to disciple and teach foundationally until a revealed local body is equipped and a pathway for ongoing maturity and multiplication is established.”
Big Picture in PNG:
PNG has over 800 languages
Over 300 don’t have access to a clear gospel
The infrastructure is still developing
NTM PNG has over 40 works on going
Over 400 churches planted
Around 350 missionaries working in-country
There is a need to make these efforts sustainable by working as a team in different roles and capacities. Support team members serve as:
Supply Buyers
And More
IT in Missions?
Eli’s Role
Eli has always been into anything hands-on, but especially working with computers. He tinkered with computers as a kid, served on the church IT team, and worked at a computer shop for several years. This will be his main ministry for the church planting effort.
Eli also took the TECH Specialist program that Ethnos360 provides through OFFGRID TECH. This is an area that he has great interest in, and the extra training will give him an opportunity to serve in other ways.
As a Family
Our family desires to build up others in Papua New Guinea, both in support and in church planting, through opening up our home and family to refresh and encourage them. It is our desire to strive to be thankful in all things, encouraging in all things, and edifying in all things, so that we can effectively serve alongside our co-workers in Christ. We want to provide an environment that nurtures and supports our fellow laborers as they go about their daily tasks.